Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Secret Taco Sauce

This is kind of a continuation of my previous post. This is our absolute favorite taco sauce, however, it would be shameful to limit this amazing condiment to just tacos- it is also amazing on sandwiches, eggs, chicken, etc... It is quite different from sauce I have had on tacos before, but, add it to your favorite tacos and you'll be amazed at the punch of flavor and excitement.

Mix together:
1/4 Cup Buttermilk
2 Tablespoons Mayonaise
1 1/2 Tablespoon Lemon Juice
Whisk them together until it becomes smooth and drizzle over your favorite dish. Now, this is a thin sauce, so I have been know to add any number of taste-free thickeners- but don't use the kind that require heating or cooking, it will not yeild a good result.

The best tacos you will ever eat consist of Secret Taco Sauce, grilled white fish- I usually use cod since it is almost always on hand in my freezer- shredded cabbage, cheese, corn tortillas, a drizzle of lime juice and salsa made from chopped roma tomatoes, onion and fresh cilantro.

It took me quite a long time to work up the nerve to try fish tacos as mentioned above; even though fish is a traditional filling for tacos, it just sounded strange to me. Since discovering the above mentioned fish tacos, they are now my favorite kind, however, if any of you have the same queasy, uneasiness about fish tacos I had, never fear, I am going to tell you a tasty alternative:

Secret Taco Sauce
Grilled chicken-I grill it simply with seasoning salt and garlic then cut it into strips or chunks
shredded lettuce
lime juice
salsa made from roma tomaotes, onion and fresh cilantro
Wrap it all in a corn tortilla and it's a pretty nice meal!

This sauce is a new staple at our house, I now keep a squeeze bottle ful in the fridge at all times.

1 comment:

alovelymadness said...

Ok Kelsey you have acheived the dubious award of getting me to finally making some fish taco's.
We are going to town tomorrow and I will pick up the ingredients.
I'll come back and let you know how it goes.
Well I am off to try and win your cookbooks on a giveaway.
Thanks for the recipes.